Inayat Bajwa

Inayat Bajwa

Nano-MSE student from August 2014 – August 2016


What was your most recently earned academic degree before you entered the Nano program and in what field?

Bachelors of Technology in Biotechnology

At what institution did you earn your most recently earned academic degree before you entered the Nano program and where is this institution?

Punjab Technical University, Punjab, India

What are you doing now?

 I’m pursuing a PhD in Bioengineering from University of Pennsylvania under the mentorship of Dr. A.T. Charlie Johnson. I’m working towards developing highly selective and sensitive biosensors that employ novel 2D materials to detect analytes.

How did the Nano-MSE program help you advance your professional or academic goals?

The Nano-MSE program helped me identify the kind of research I was interested in pursuing. The program facilitated my search by giving me the opportunity to work in various different labs and to take a variety of courses spanning multiple departments in the Engineering school.

What do/did you enjoy most about the Nano-MSE program and/or being at University of Pennsylvania?

The Nano-MSE is a small but a very diverse program, bringing together students from a lot of different countries and academic backgrounds. Taking classes, engaging in collaborative research and exploring Philadelphia with the friends I made through this program brought about the most enjoyable moments at I had at University of Pennsylvania.

Do you have advice for people considering the Nano-MSE program at Penn?

The Nano-MSE program is not just about the coursework! University of Pennsylvania sponsors a plethora of social, cultural, academic and professional activities. Take full advantage of these and you can streamline towards your personal, professional and academic goals while gathering invaluable experiences along the way.